Support Coordination
Actually Autistic Owned with Personal and Professional Experience.
Becoming an NDIS participant and starting your plan can be an exciting and challenging time. Finding the right services, coordinating a range of supports and keeping everything on track – there’s a lot to think about.
Define Normal Life Style Supports is registered with the National Disability Insurance Agency to deliver Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination across all regions of Australia.
A Support Coordinator is:
A passionate person who assists participants coordinate and implement supports in their plan and participate more fully in the community.
Support Coordinators work with a participant to:
Connect with supports and services and exercise choice and control
Plan and prepare for their plan review.
Use their plan to meet their individual needs
Review their support arrangements and make changes where necessary
Plan in advance for potential crisis situations
Understand their plan
Set up supports and services, including helping participants understand service agreements and service bookings
Connect and refer to mainstream services
Participants may receive funding for supports in their plan depending on individual circumstances such as: Their disability and functional impacts on the participant’s life.
Whether they have family, carers or other types of support in their life.
Level 1: Support Connection
Support Connection helps participants use their NDIS plan effectively.
Support Connection helps a participant to:
- Understand their NDIS plan
- Connect with broader systems of supports
- Connect with Providers
Level 2: Coordination of Supports
Coordination of Supports helps a participant design and build their supports.
Coordination of Supports focusses on supporting participants to direct their lives, not just their services. This involves working together to understand: their funding, what participants expect from services, and how participants want this designed.
Support Coordinators also coach participants to build and maintain a network of Formal and Informal Supports.
Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination
Specialist Support Coordinators help remove barriers so a participant can access appropriate supports.
Specialist Support Coordinators
- Help participants reduce complexity in their support environment, enabling them to connect with funded supports as well as broader supports
- Negotiate support solutions with multiple stakeholders to achieve well-coordinated plan implementation
- Help manage crisis points for participants, ensuring participants have access to relevant supports during a crisis.